1. (Dystopia…)

…Still holding the copy of The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, Robert said, “What sort of alternate present does this book describe?”

Betty, after a moment, said, “One in which Germany and Japan lost the war.”…

-The Man In the High Castle-

2. (Pathetic pouls…)

In a way, Childan thought, I would almost enjoy carrying my own bags into the Nippon Times Building in broad daylight. What a grand gesture. It is not actually illegal; I would not go to jail. And I would show my real feelings, the side of a man which never comes out in public life. But…

I could do it, he thought, if there weren’t those damn black slaves lurking around. I could endure those above me seeing it, their scorn – after all, they scorn me and humiliate me every day. But to have those beneath see me, to feel their contempt. Like this chink pedalling away ahead of me. If I hadn’t taken a pedecab, if he had seen me trying to walk to a business appointment…

-The Man In the High Castle-

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