Nerd vs Asshole


Erica Albright: “You are going to go through life thinking that girls don’t like you because you’re a nerd. And I want you to know from the bottom of my heart that that won’t be true. It’ll be because you’re an asshole.”

-The Social Network…


Archie: “People ask the question… what’s a RocknRolla? And I tell ’em – it’s not about drums, drugs, and hospital drips, oh no. There’s more there than that, my friend. We all like a bit of the good life – some the money, some the drugs, others the sex game, the glamour, or the fame. But a RocknRolla, oh, he’s different. Why? Because a real RocknRolla wants the fucking lot.”


Terry Pratchett – Wintersmith


“What we’ve got here,” Rob Anybody pronounced, “is a case o’ Romance.”

“What’s that, Rob?” asked a Feegle.

“Aye, is it like how wee babbies are made?” asked Daft Wullie. “Ye told about that last year. It wuz verra interestin’, although a bit far-fetched tae my mind.”

“No’ exactly,” said Rob Anybody. “An’ it’s kinda hard tae describe. But I reckon yon Wintersmith wants to romance the big wee hag and she disna ken what tae do aboot it.”

“So it is like how babies are made?” said Daft Wullie.

“No, ’cuz even beasties know that but only people know aboot Romancin’,” said Rob. “When a bull coo meets a lady coo, he disna have tae say, ‘My heart goes bang-bang-bang when I see your wee face,’ ’cuz it’s kinda built intae their heads. People have it more difficult. Romancin’ is verra important, ye ken. Basically it’s a way the boy can get close to the girl wi’oot her attackin’ him and scratchin’ his eyes oot.”

“I dinna see how we can teach her any o’ that stuff,” said Slightly Mad…

-Wintersmith, Terry Pratchett…


The Wintersmith and the Summer Lady… danced. The dance never ended.

Winter never dies. Not as people die. It hangs on in late frost and the smell of autumn in a summer evening, and in the heat it flees to the mountains. Summer never dies. It sinks into the ground; in the depths, winter buds form in sheltered places and white shoots creep under dead leaves. Some of it flees into the deepest, hottest deserts, where there is a summer that never ends. To animals they were just the weather, just part of everything.

But humans arose and gave them names, just as people filled the starry sky with heroes and monsters, because this turned them into stories. And humans loved stories, because once you’d turned things into stories, you could change the stories. And there was the problem, right there…

-Wintersmith, Terry Pratchett…



“Station is the paradox of the world of my people, the limitation of our power within the hunger for power. It is gained through treachery and invites treachery against those who gain it. Those most powerful in Menzoberranzan spend their days watching over their shoulders, defending against the daggers that would find their backs. Their deaths usually come from the front.”

-Drizzt Do’Urden



“As I became a creature of the empty tunnels, survival became easier and more difficult all at once.  I gained in the physical skills and experience necessary to live on.  I could defeat almost anything that wandered into my chosen domain.  It did not take me long, however, to discover one nemesis that I could neither defeat nor flee.  It followed me wherever I went – indeed, the farther I ran, the more it closed in around me.  My enemy was solitude, the interminable, incessant silence of hushed corridors.”

-Drizzt Do’Urden



“It burned my eyes and pained every part of my body.  It destroyed my piwafwi and boots, stole the magic from my armor, and weakened my trusted scimitars.  Still, every day, without fail, I was there, sitting upon my perch, my judgment seat, to await the arrival of the sunrise.”

-Drizzt Do’Urden



Mendilimde Kan Sesleri

Her yere yetişilir  
Hiçbir şeye geç kalınmaz ama  
Çocuğum beni bağışla  
Ahmet Abi sen de bağışla  
Boynu bükük duruyorsam eğer  
İçimden öyle geldiği için değil  
Ama hiç değil  
Ah güzel Ahmet abim benim  
İnsan yaşadığı yere benzer  
O yerin suyuna, o yerin toprağına benzer  
Suyunda yüzen balığa  
Toprağını iten çiçeğe  
Dağlarının, tepelerinin dumanlı eğimine  
Konyanın beyaz  
Antebin kırmızı düzlüğüne benzer  
Göğüne benzer ki gözyaşları mavidir  
Denize benzer ki dalgalıdır bakışları  
Evlerine, sokaklarına, köşebaşlarına  
Öylesine benzer ki  
Ve avlularına  
(Bir kuyu halkasıyla sıkıştırılmıştır kalbi)  
Ve sözlerine   
(Yani bir cep aynası alım-satımına belki)  
Ve bir gün birinin adres sormasına benzer  
Sorarken sorarken üzünçlü bir görüntüsüne  
Camcının cam kesmesine, dülgerin rende tutmasına  
Öyle bir cıgara yakımına, birinin gazoz açmasına  
Minibüslerine, gecekondularına  
Hasretine, yalanına benzer
Anısı işsizliktir
Acısı bilincidir
Bıçağı gözyaşlarıdır kurumakta olan
Gülemiyorsun ya, gülmek
Bir halk gülüyorsa gülmektir
Ne kadar benziyoruz Türkiye'ye Ahmet Abi.
Bir güzel kadeh tutuşun vardı eskiden
Dirseğin iskemleye dayalı
-- Bir vakitler gökyüzüne dayalı, derdim ben --
Cıgara paketinde yazılar resimler
Resimler: cezaevleri
Resimler: özlem
Resimler: eskidenberi
Ve bir kaşın yukarı kalkık
Sevmen acele
Dostluğun çabuk
Bakıyorum da simdi
O kadeh bir küfür gibi duruyor elinde.
Ve zaman dediğimiz nedir ki Ahmet Abi
Biz eskiden seninle
İstasyonları dolaşırdık bir bir
O zamanlar Malatya kokardı istasyonlar
Nazilli kokardı
Ve yağmurdan ıslandıkça Edirne postası
Kıl gibi ince İstanbul yağmurunun altında
Esmer bir kadın sevmiş gibi olurdun sen
Kadının ütülü patiskalardan bir teni
Upuzun boynu
Ve sana Ahmet Abi
uzaktan uzaktan domates peynir keserdi sanki
Sofranı kurardı
Elini bir suya koyar gibi kalbinden akana koyardı
Cezaevlerine düşsen cıgaranı getirirdi
Çocuklar doğururdu
Ve o çocukların dünyayı düzeltecek ellerini işlerdi bir dantel gibi
O çocuklar büyüyecek
O çocuklar büyüyecek
O çocuklar...
Bilmezlikten gelme Ahmet Abi
Umudu dürt
Umutsuzluğu yatıştır
Diyeceğim şu ki
Yok olan bir şeylere benzerdi o zaman trenler
Oysa o kadar kullanışlı ki şimdi
Hayalsiz yaşıyoruz nerdeyse
Çocuklar, kadınlar, erkekler
Trenler tıklım tıklım
Trenler cepheye giden trenler gibi
Almanya yolcusu işçiler
Kimi yolcu, kimi gurbet bekçisi
Ellerinde bavullar, fileler
Kolonyalar, su şişeleri, paketler
Onlar ki, hepsi
Bir tutsak ağaç gibi yanlış yerlere büyüyenler
Ah güzel Ahmet Abim benim
Gördün mü bak
Dağılmış pazar yerlerine benziyor şimdi istasyonlar
Ve dağılmış pazar yerlerine memleket
Gelmiyor içimden hüzünlenmek bile
Gelse de
Öyle sürekli değil
Bir caz müziği gibi gelip geçiyor hüzün
O kadar çabuk
O kadar kısa
İşte o kadar.

Ahmet Abi, güzelim, bir mendil niye kanar
Diş değil, tırnak değil, bir mendil niye kanar
Mendilimde kan sesleri.


Quotations from Bioshock (game)

–“Andrew Ryan: I am Andrew Ryan, and I’m here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? ‘No!’ says the man in Washington, ‘It belongs to the poor.’ ‘No!’ says the man in the Vatican, ‘It belongs to God.’ ‘No!’ says the man in Moscow, ‘It belongs to everyone.’ I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.”

–“Andrew Ryan: The assassin has overcome my final line of defense, and now he plans to murder me. In the end what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No, a man chooses, and a slave obeys!”

–“Frank Fontaine: It’s time to end this little masquarade. There ain’t no Atlas, kid. Never was. Selling my line of work takes on a variety of aliases. Hell, once I was even a China man for six months. But you’ve been a sport, so I guess I owe you a little honesty. The name’s Frank Fontaine. I gotta say, I had a lot of business partners in my life. But you… Of course, the fact that you were genetically conditioned to bark like a cocker spaniel when I said, “Would you kindly”, might’ve had something to do with it, but still. Now as soon as that machine finishes processing the genetic key you just fished off Ryan, I’m gonna run Rapture, tits to toes. You’ve been a pal, but you know what they say: Never mix business with friendship. Thanks for everything, kid. Don’t forget to say hi to Ryan for me.”



–Andrew Ryan: [to Jack, as he enters Ryan’s sanctuary] The assassin has overcome my final line of defense, and now he plans to murder me. In the end what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No, a man chooses, and a slave obeys!


–Andrew Ryan: You think you have memories. A farm. A family. An airplane. A crash. And then this place. Was there really a family? Did that airplane crash, or, was it hijacked? Forced down, forced down by something less than a man, something bred to sleepwalk through life unless activated by a simple phrase, spoken by their kindly master. Come in.

[Jack enters Ryan’s layer]

–Andrew Ryan: Stop, would you kindly?

[Jack does]

–Andrew Ryan: Would you kindly, powerful phrase. Familiar phrase?

[Cascade of memories of Atlas ordering Jack to perform various tasks with the phrase “Would you kindly”]

–Andrew Ryan: Sit, would you kindly? Stand, would you kindly? Run! Stop! Turn. Was a man sent to kill, or a slave?

[Ryan hands Jack a golf club]

–Andrew Ryan:KILL!

[Jack smacks Ryan with the club]

–Andrew Ryan: A man chooses!

[Jack smacks him again]

–Andrew Ryan: A slave obeys!

[Jack smacks him again]

–Andrew Ryan: OBEEEEEEY!

[Jack kills Ryan]